3 research outputs found

    Cognitive Dissonance pada Konteks Berkomunikasi dan Mencari Informasi di Ruang Digital: Fenomena Selective Exposure

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    In the digital space that is now increasingly dominating our lives, there are challenges and new social situations that require us to adapt. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) places a focus on seeing human behavior in situations that are incompatible with the cognition he has. After six decades of CDT's existence, there have been many derivative concepts that can be used to analyze causation in this dissonance situation. Selective exposure is a concept derived from CDT that has received attention from researchers in analyzing the phenomenon of filter bubbles and echo chambers. To examine the application of CDT in a contemporary context, in this digital space, this study was conducted by making a literature review that focuses on elaborating on the theory and context of CDT in use. Using qualitative content analysis from a collection of previous studies, this study maps the relevance of theory to the context of situations in the digital space. The conclusion is that CDT, both based on basic assumptions and derived concepts tested by other researchers, can objectively predict the cause-and-effect of a situation that triggers dissonance in a person's cognition when a situation with similar conditions occurs

    Cognitive Dissonance pada Konteks Berkomunikasi dan Mencari Informasi di Ruang Digital: Fenomena Selective Exposure

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    In the digital space that is now increasingly dominating our lives, there are challenges and new social situations that require us to adapt. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) places a focus on seeing human behavior in situations that are incompatible with the cognition he has. After six decades of CDT's existence, there have been many derivative concepts that can be used to analyze causation in this dissonance situation. Selective exposure is a concept derived from CDT that has received attention from researchers in analyzing the phenomenon of filter bubbles and echo chambers. To examine the application of CDT in a contemporary context, in this digital space, this study was conducted by making a literature review that focuses on elaborating on the theory and context of CDT in use. Using qualitative content analysis from a collection of previous studies, this study maps the relevance of theory to the context of situations in the digital space. The conclusion is that CDT, both based on basic assumptions and derived concepts tested by other researchers, can objectively predict the cause-and-effect of a situation that triggers dissonance in a person's cognition when a situation with similar conditions occurs

    Memahami Influencer Marketing: Kajian Literatur Dalam Variabel Penting Bagi Influencer

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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah pengguna aplikasi ad blocker tertinggi. Ini menyebabkan pemasar harus mencari cara lain untuk menjangkau target marketnya. Influencer marketing menjadi pilihan yang populer mengingat jumlah pengguna media sosial yang tinggi serta beberapa faktor lainnya yang mendukung keberhasilan teknik ini. Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur dari perkembangan konsep Influencer Marketing selama 3 tahun terakhir dengan fokus utama untuk memetakan apa saja variabel yang mendukung performa seorang influencer. Dalam temuannya, faktor-faktor yang sering diangkat dalam penelitian adalah expertise, trustworthiness, credibility, sponsorship disclosure, hubungan parasosial, dan congruence. Sebagai saran untuk penelitian mendatang, perlu dikaji bagaimana aturan dan etika bagi para influencer dalam melakukan promosi di platformnya untuk menjaga keamanan konsumen